Thursday 13 January 2011

Echt School Outdoor Musical Instruments

This post has moved to a new location


Miss Elizabeth said...

This is a very inspiring article. I only just started to think of music as being an outdoor thing last spring and I can't wait until we are not covered in snow so that I can add some more music to the outside! One thing that I love about doing music outside is that the sound never becomes too much since there are not walls containing the sound in a small space.
I also love the idea of having the pentatonic scales! That is so great for their little ears to start hearing! As a musician it often bothers me that most children are exposed to music almost entirely in major keys with three chords to them. Different scale systems, brilliant!! Thanks so much for the inspiration.

Amy A @ Child Central Station said...

I love it! We have an ever growing outdoor music area in our yard. Most of the instruments have been made with the children's help. I'm not very musical myself- although I try! Nothing has been tuned, but it still sounds fantastic! Do you think that Stephen would be willing to sell his plans? I know shipping a finished product to the states might be costly, but if we purchased the plans we might be able to make them ourselves.... You can check out our every growing music area here....

Of course, most of our area is covered in snow right now. The children do claim that the chimes do sound different in the cold and snow than they do in the warm sun!

Anonymous said...

Those are beautiful! Would not have guessed the materials that they were made from. Such great inspiration.
Thanks for sharing.