Wednesday, 26 October 2011

Czech Pre-schools - A Forest Project for All

This post has moved to a new location


Katie O'Reilly said...

Hi Juliet, great blog!

I have also taught in the Czech Republic while on a school experience in my second year of teacher training. I taught in a grade 1 classroom in Plzen. I think that what you have experienced is great, I agree with your statement about schooling being very formal when children reach the age of seven. I also agree with what you have said about their versions of risk assessments, it's not really thought about!

@kforeilly (Plymouth)

Juliet Robertson said...

Thanks for your feedback, Katie. My understanding is that risk assessments are now being looked at and considered.

Juliet Robertson said...

A friend from the CZ - Michal - who's holding the puppet in one of the photos has sent through this update:

I must sadly say that Krásensko kindergarten is not continuing the focus on the forest I am afraid that the whole project is now discontinued

It should also be noted that at the moment almost all kindergartens in the country are refusing kids - they are full (unlike in Krasensko), their capacities were severely reduced during 1990s low birth period and now it is very hard to get a kid into a kindergarten namely in cities and suburbs.