Saturday 9 February 2013

Waldkindergarten - Forest Kindergarten in Germany

This post has moved to a new location


Kierna C said...

Thanks so much for this informative guest post, Anita & Juliet for giving me nother little glimpse into a different setting. This sounds very like the outdoor kindergarten I spent time in in Norway. I think the loveliest thing for me, is that the set-up of the day sounds very like how we spend our mornings in the forest on our outdoor days. Thanks for sharing Kierna

Juliet Robertson said...

Yes - this was my thoughts too. What we are seeing is commonalities rather than differences in approaches between different countries.

Whilst there is no formula or protocol for an outdoor nursery, there are clearly set ups which seem to be working nicely!

Kim C said...

Yes, thanks for sharing. Another inspiring insight and reassurance that many if us are thinking along the same lines! Lovely.

Tom Bedard said...

Forest kindergarten! Three- to four-hour walks in the woods a day. It might even be called immersion education. How fantastic! How in the world would they ever be able sit in a "regular" classroom?

Juliet Robertson said...

Kim - you are welcome! I so agree about commonality of thought.

Tom - my only response is to suggest that the next step is a programme based upon what you offer!