Sunday 20 June 2010

Guess what's attached to this fence

This post has moved to a new location


Let the Children Play said...

Okay, you've got me on this one. I'm trying to work out what is in the tray down the bottom. Is it water? Intrigued.

Unknown said...

They kind of look like dryer that what they are? Super cool idea too!

Juliet Robertson said...

Yes it's water in the tray with a little bit of bubble mixture as the children were playing with bubbles that day.

Dryer vents - clever suggestion! But no.

tracey (aka rainbowmummy) said...

Do they close? I think they look a bit like the tunnels I have seen for small animals (like the tunnels you get for kids to play in only scaled down to rabbit size)?

Also it looks like so much fun!

Teacher Tom said...

They look like flexible conduit of some sort painted purple.

Juliet Robertson said...

I'm impressed with your suggestions. And rm (Rainbow Mum) is correct!!! These are rippled tunnels for hamsters. They can be squeezed small and tight or pulled long and loose.

They also bend - the children discovered they are great for collecting water from taps instead of using a bottle when the tubes are bent into a U-shape.

I got each one in a local supermarket in a sale. Normally they cost £1 each but were reduced to £0.12!

tracey (aka rainbowmummy) said...

Yay! :)