Sunday 12 December 2010

Edublog Awards 2010 - Please Vote

This post has moved to a new location


The Sunshine Crew said...

I voted for everyone you suggested excpet had a question about the Tweet category. I don't Tweet / use Twitter, etc. so can I still vote for this category? I have stayed away from Tweeting, as blogging and Yahoo Groups take up lots of my time already. If it is okay to still vote, I will vote as you suggested.
hope that you are enjoying your weekend,

Juliet Robertson said...

Hi Colleen

What a brilliant question. The answer is Yes - just go to the "click to vote" website. You just have to trust my judgement on this one!

One of the reasons I'm encouraging people to vote is to help people realise the wider value of pre-school blogs and tweeters.

Pre-school blogs and tweets are friendly and supportive of wider communities such as your own homeschool and my "Uh-oh - outdoor play - hey that'll do me" communities.

I feel it's time to return the favours.

Oh and thanks for being so enthusiastic online!

Best wishes

Play for Life said...

Juliet THANK YOU for your continued support of "irresistible ideas". Sherry and I consider ourselves mere babes-in-the-woods when it comes to blogging so you very kind words shall be humbly remembered.
Donna :) :)

Juliet Robertson said...

It's just lovely to see the success of "Irresistible Ideas" and "Teacher Tom" being formally recognised.

I hope that the collective power of persuasion has been enough to get in the top three in each category.

I did send "Metasaga" round the outdoorsy people in Scotland. Cos if you don't ask, you don't always get!

Deborah Stewart said...

I just tweeted your post:) Thank you for the very sweet comment and including me on your list here:) My best wishes to you! Deborah