Monday 14 February 2011

Outdoor Myths and Misconceptions

This post has moved to a new location


Anonymous said...

Wow, and we wonder why every one is like a cotton baby~ Let's play in the grass!!!!

Kierna C said...

Love it Juliet - totally agree with the P6 child about the woods - our children bounce back up when they fall in the woods but not when they hit they tarmac!

Unknown said...

Stearalizing LEAVES!? :) WOW! can't sit on the grass!? It's a wonder we made it to adulthood! I remember running around our yard and the corn fields with no shoes or socks on...climbing up into the rafters of the barn, playing in the hay bales pretending they were our houses...carrying a chicken around as a "pet" under my arm and rescuing baby birds and feeding them with an eye dropper! Certainly no stearalizing going on there! And, suprisingly, I'm healthy and survived my minor bumps and bruises of childhood! :)

Let the Children Play said...

A world gone mad Juliet.

I'm scratching my head trying to think of an injury that has happened to any of our kids in the 5 years I have been working at preschool and taking the kids out into the bush. I'm sure there have been some scrapes - I know a few have slipped over on slippery rocks near the creek (they are more careful the next time!) but nothing that has ever needed attention.

This is despite sitting on the grass (gasp) touching leaves (gasp) clammering over rocks and logs and paddling in creeks.

We always take our first aid kit with us, along with epipens and we all know what to do in case of insect/snake bite so we are prepared.

Play for Life said...

In all the time Sherry and I were teaching together we had two major accidents... one children tripped over a skipping rope landing on the concrete and broke his arm while another ran into one of the swing poles and broke his arm ... no one ever did too much damage running around on the grass or climbing and falling out of our trees or bushes. Come to think of it Juliet no-one contracted any kind of disease from playing on the grass or digging in the dirty gardens either! Maybe Jenny is right ... is the world going mad?!
Donna :) :)

Anonymous said...

Incredible! Great information to share and great myths to dispell!!