Wednesday 2 March 2011

Guttering in Pre-school

This post has moved to a new location


Play for Life said...

Great post Juliet. I agree guttering is one of the best loose parts you can have for play ... outside and in!
Donna :) :)
BTW. You really should try vegemite on your toast ... beats marmite hands down ... heheheheh!! :)

UPECC said...

It makes great book shelves indoors too! What a diverse and inexpensive material :).

Amy A @ Child Central Station said...

It makes great bookshelves inside too! What a great inexpensive and diverse material!

Anonymous said...

This is awesome. I would love to play with that outside so I can't imagine a kid out there that wouldn't think this was fabulous!

Juliet Robertson said...

I will definitely eat Vegemite when I visit Australia. Somehow it doesn't taste so nice outwith its home country! LOL!

Bookshelves? Brilliant Amy! Thanks for this suggestion. Actually I rather like the idea of them being used as little outdoor bookshelves...!

Abbie - your local DIY store will have guttering. Even just a couple of pieces are worth buying.

I ended up buying more guttering this week. I'm now a proud owner of grey AND black guttering and even bought some extra funky attachments.

Let the Children Play said...

I agree Juliet - guttering is good!

Amy A @ Child Central Station said...


We have a section of our fence that is going to be filled with a couple of rows of the guttering for our outdoor bookshelves. As soon as the snow disappears we have big plans for continued changes to our outdoor space! Thanks for continuing to provide inspiration and ideas! (I gave you a shout out on Sunday) I posted a link up for outdoor classroom inspiration which I quickly moved to a page instead of a post. It has a linky if you care to pop on by and/or link up any posts!


Mercedes said...

Those are fantastic ideas. The kids look like they are enjoying themselves!

Unknown said...

OH, so fun! Would love for you to link this up to the Outdoor Play linky party!

Juliet Robertson said...

Thanks for the suggestion Jane - I've been quite lax about link ups lately!

Unknown said...

Hi Juliet, just wanted to let you know that the Outdoor Play Party linky will be back up and running again starting tomorrow (Friday). Would love for you to come back and share more of your wonderful outdoor play experiences with us!