Wednesday 15 June 2011

A rope trail for everyone

This post has moved to a new location


wondersofnature said...

What a fantastic way for that young pupils classmates to learn empathy and understanding about their peer...

rmannell said...

I love this idea. Returning to teaching as a casual I may be able to use a rope trail with younger children. Thanks for the post.
Ross Mannell

Scott said...

What a fun idea! I haven't seen this before. I can imagine all sorts of variations. Thanks, Juliet.

Tom Bedard said...

The blind leading the sighted! I imagine there is no end to the obstacles that can be set up on the rope. Thanks for the post.

Juliet Robertson said...

Hello Everyone

Thanks for your comments and I'm sorry it's taken me a wee while to reply.

1) Yes - empathy and understanding were learned by all the adults as well as the children, arguably more so as we were all moved by what we witnessed.

2) Yes this activity worked fine with the 3 and 4 year olds - choice over blind folds and a few older children to assist made it work fine.

3) Variations is the name of the game - very open ended activity and lots of satisfying fun.

4) "The blind leading the sighted" brilliant quote - Thanks Tom

LeeanneA said...

Oh what great fun - a neat way to explore!

jenwren said...

love it and I know my children will too, will give it a whirl soon

Anonymous said...

Loved this story. This activity and others like it should be used in every classroom that has sight impaired children and even those that don't. Great use of other senses to navigate obstacles. I have done a similar challenge with high school students that was more of a speed/team work challenge. We did it in the woods and the rope was twisted and weaved through all kinds of trees. The kids were tied together in pairs, blindfolded and then attached to the rope. They had to work their way through the course without disconnecting from the rope. Very cool to watch them work together and navigate through the obstacles. Have never thought to use it with little kids! Great idea!!