Saturday, 26 November 2011

The 2011 Edublog Awards

This post has moved to a new location


Kristin said...

I am truly honored for the nomination! Thank you so much for thinking of me. Your write-up is touching. Thanks again!

Play for Life said...

WOW Juliet once agin you leave us gobsmacked by your generosity. Thank you so much for your nomination. We are truly humbled to be amongst such great nominees.
Donna :) :)

Unknown said...

Juliet- Just gave you the versatile blogger award :) you can see it here!

Juliet Robertson said...

Thank you Pam - I will take the logo and put it on my "About" page. Many thanks. In fact perhaps this is the time for me to pass it on to all the bloggers I wanted to nominate for Edublogs.

Let the Children Play said...

WOW. Thank you Juliet - your kind words have touched me, especially as they come from the outdoor education guru herself :) I have just posted my nominations, and sent one your way. Your posts are always inspiring, informative and just so damn practical. I'd love to give you a tour of our preschool just so that I could point out all the ideas that have come from you and your blog.

Juliet Robertson said...

It's a two-way thing. I really on your to fill my screen with ideas and images from outdoor play spaces around the world.

Let's hope that this time the panel who make up the shortlist do not skim past your blog.

Kristin said...

You are certainly one of the top bloggers! There is a "Nice Blog" award waiting for you on my site:

Juliet Robertson said...

THanks Kristin

What a lovely idea for a blog post! Will get going with this too.

Best wishes