Saturday 6 October 2012

Kate Greenaway Nursery - A Special Place for Special People

This post has moved to a new location


Kierna C said...

Oh thanks so much for sharing this wonderful place with us all. I can just imagine the calmness fo this space, it is truly beautiful, Kierna

Lesley said...

Thank you for telling the story of how this space came about as well. It seems doable to add components to an existing space or in the planning, to consider these components in the project. That said, how will I decide between my original fire pit installation idea and the raised puddles!!!!

Julian Grenier said...

Hi Juliet, thanks so much for putting this post together, many pleasurable memories came back of working with Wendy, Annabel and the team at Kate Greenaway. I am really chuffed to see this! It made me go back through some of my backups and I found a document I put together about before/after, which we used at an Islington conference. I've posted this up at

Juliet Robertson said...

Many thanks everyone for your comments.

In particular, Julian, the photos in the pdf are fascinating. It's chalk and cheese and these demonstrate even further the power of place. The contrast is significant and a stark reminder how much we need to continue to work towards decent outdoor spaces for all children.

Unknown said...

What a gorgeous space! And to think it is designed with children in mind, that just is the icing on the cake! Thanks so much for sharing it! :)