Saturday 3 September 2011

Outdoor Maths: Measuring the Size of Sticks

This post has moved to a new location


Play for Life said...

Oooooh Juliet, I ALWAYS enjoy your stick posts and this is another beauty!
Donna :) :)

Juliet Robertson said...

Agreed - I was actually cross I hadn't thought of this myself! I do all sorts of line up activities but never this one. Dow!

Scott said...

I don't know why but I'm continually surprised that simple resources and activities can be so engaging and full of learning. Thanks Juliet.

Sam Sims said...

A bag of sticks will now be a permanant fixture in my working garden! I love this idea.. thinking that i could extend it further for the older children be getting them actually measure the sticks and do some form of graph to show the height? mmmmmmm

Unknown said...

Very cool. I will try it the next time a group of my son's friends come over to play!

surfingmonk said...

I really like the use of found objects in curriculum. I am curious, what was the 'hook' or motivation for these kids? Why were they so interested in arranging the sticks in increasing size?

Juliet Robertson said...

Good question. The game started with everyone finding a stick. So with this element of choice and ownership, I think that makes a difference. Also the teacher made the activity a game and involved all the children through her questions and comments. Everyone got at least one go and it was a small group of 9 children. Just my own guesses... I'm sure others can think of more and better ones!

DeLynn said...

I just found your blog, this is perfect for me. I am a curriculum support person for an at risk early childhood program in the Chicago area. Thank you for your great ideas!

Juliet Robertson said...

Hi DeLynn

Thanks for your feedback - all the best with your work. You may be interested in some of the blogs in the RH column as they will be directly relevant to your work too.

Best wishes

Anonymous said...

My workplace has been developing similar activities (I make'm, being the woodshop teacher and all) as part of an Piaget-based assessment unit. This would be classified under seriation, if I get my French right. Apparently, the process of thought you describe can indicate a child's developmental level for certain tasks - i.e. 5-yr-olds usually do such and such a thing, while older students act a different way. It has been interesting watching my colleagues implement his work in the classroom.

-Mr. Patrick.

Juliet Robertson said...

Thanks Mr Patrick

I think that's really interesting and a good nudge in my own thought processes to look at Piaget's ideas once again.

Unknown said...

What a cool idea, much like the Montessori pegs. This will be a great activity for our homeschool group.

Juliet Robertson said...

Thanks - it is a lovely activity and great for seeing how much children understand the concept of size.

Unknown said...

this is an interesting Idea and can be done with ANYTHING! rocks, leaves, pine cones!!! I am sharing this on my site's facebook page!

~Queen Mommy