Monday 21 June 2010


This post has moved to a new location


Play for Life said...

Wow aren't tyres amazing play things, who would have thought they were so versatile. A friend of mine used a couple of tyres to create a frog bog.The rim of the tyres gave the frogs a ledge to hide on out of the water. The frogs loved it!
Donna :) :)

Amy A @ Child Central Station said...

We are in the process of turning a huge tractor tire into a drum for our outdoor music area! I hope to have photos up and a blog update on it within the next week! Great post with lots of wonderful ideas!

DJTom said...

well done. good pics

Teacher Tom said...

I'm very inspired by this post, Juliet! I need to get my parent community out their searching for old tires. We only have one pathetic one right now and it gets used every day.

Juliet Robertson said...

Thanks for all your feedback. Donna and Sherry this is one of my current gardening project. The hole is dug, the tyre is there.

A tyre drum - amazing. I think we'll all have to mosey over for a look on your blog @child central station.

There is always that dilemma about how many tires to have. I've seen photos of one school near Manchester who created a Formula 1 racing place with lots of tyres piled up. They even managed to find an old bus that was converted into an outdoor shelter beside the track.

Play-based Classroom said...

Thanks for telling me about this post! It really answered a lot of the questions I had about maintenance and painting of the tires!
I also LOVE the fresh ideas you put on here! I can't wait to show my director, and put some of these ideas into effect! :)

Juliet Robertson said...

Thanks very much - good luck with your tyres and enjoy using theme!

Kierna C said...

A year & a bit later - thanks for sharing this post. I am actually excited to get back & stuck in having fun with the tyres!