Friday 19 November 2010

Let's Get Writing Outside

This post has moved to a new location


Debi said...

One of my favorite places in the world to write is outside. Thanks for all the useful tips & suggestions for making it comfortable for kids.

(V.Kerr) School Time Adventures said...

Thanks for all the good ideas!

The Sunshine Crew said...

Great ideas. Like you, we also love to be outside to do our writing. We generally have nice weather that makes it possible for us to get outside mush of the time.
Love the gazebo / covered chair thing you have in the one photo, too. very nice...wish we had one of those here.
Have a happy week,

Līga Krista said...

Hi, I did notice that some of the pics were taken in Sweden, do you happen to have for sharing info on specific schools in Sweden? Especially, if those are near Stockholm city. Thanks!

Juliet Robertson said...

Hi Liga

Thanks for dropping by - Yes 2 photos are from Sweden - if you get in touch via email which is at the bottom of every page in my website, I'll forward details to you.

Nicola said...

Thank you so much for all your inspiration. I loved the Cowgate under 5's link. I wondered if it is possible to find out where they sourced a number of their resources e.g the drums?

Nicola said...

Thank you for your inspiration! I wondered if you knew where Cowgate Under 5's sourced some of their resources? E.g. the drums outdoors?

Juliet Robertson said...


I think most of the instruments came from RM

Hope this helps