Friday 25 November 2011

Outdoor literacy: Letters from Sticks!

This post has moved to a new location


Kierna C said...

I love this idea & Stick man is a favourite of mine too! I am so impressed by your creativity with natural resources & I bet the children always beam when they see they coming!

Unknown said...

More brilliant outdoor learning! Fantastic!

Juliet Robertson said...

Thanks - nice feedback. It's pretty much just following what the children are interested in and extending this in different ways.

Anonymous said...

Juliet - this is a very cool activity. I think I'll be trying this out with our guys when we're in our next 'sticky' venue. I like the chant too. It reminds me of one my dad (a Scot) taught us as Cubs - 'never cut toward your thumb, always cut toward your chum, you can never get another thumb, but you can always get.....' You fill in the rest. Cheers from Canada.

Juliet Robertson said...

What a funny saying - I rather think children would like this! The children with whom I work need simple chants and songs to help them remember.

den said...

love blog.
Need help. New head hell bent on sanitizing early years garden. Usual story spend money NOW. We need to back up our passion for natural playscape with catalogues of picture from firms. Tracking down firms proving difficult in short space of time. Plenty will come and quote but need to make a display board of our ideas. Not as easy as you think. Any ideas would be welcome.

Juliet Robertson said...

Hi Den

Firstly your local authority will have lists of approved contractors. Look for the ones who do landscaping and check out their wildlife and play credentials.

Next the big play company that really gets natural play is Richter Spielgerate - a German company. Their UK partner is Timber Play:

Go to the RoSPA website for all the play equipment specifications like how to manage sand with no cover (its easy and more healthy - the dangerous sand is the stuff that's covered up, wet and never played with)

Finally it's worth contacting your arts development officer and seeing if there are artists or sculptors who can assist you and do it as a class project .

If you go to my website - the official one - you'll find my email at the foot of each page. Contact me this way if it's easier.

Best wishes

Your Therapy Source Inc said...

Love the Stick Man book - so fun to read this time of year.

den said...

Thanks for tips and taking time to answer.
Keep up good work.